Saturday, September 6, 2014

The First of Many

It has been awhile since I posted anything because it has been super busy around here.

First Mom went back to work. This wasn't as hard as everyone said it was going to be, but I was also ready for some adult interaction. Since we moved to Wakefield I couldn't exactly just leave and go to the store, target or the mall. I believe it also helped because you went to daycare at Aunt Amy's!

This has been going good so far, but sometimes I think Aunt Amy lies ;). She tells us you were such a good little girl and either hardly cried or calmed yourself down after a few minutes. You don't do that at home, most evenings you cry a lot or don't want to be left alone. I think its just because you miss us during the day and want to snuggle :) and I am perfectly ok with that! Aunt Amy does have another baby she watches and another toddle part time but this past week the baby was sick so you got lots of snuggles and good conversations with your cousin Colton.

 Cousin Colton absolutely loves you! He likes to help try and calm you down or give you pacy and thinks he can hold you. This only last for a few seconds or minutes but he so proud of himself if you let him pretend to hold you! I have a feeling you two are going to get into some trouble when you get bigger.

The next big first: Your first K-State Football Game!!!!!
Even though it was really hot you did so well! While tailgating you mostly just laid around or someone was holding you and took it all in. Then during the game you started fussing a little when we first got in there but you finally fell asleep and slept most of the 1st half. Daddy and I kept a wash cloth damp and around your neck to help keep you cool.

You also attended your first High School Football Game. Wakefield played Blue Valley and let's just say we were home by halftime! Not because you did bad but because Wakefield killed Blue Valley!

Lots of first with you sweet baby girl and many more to come. We will go in on Monday for your 2 month check up and see how big you are!!

Love you baby girl. 

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