Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bria - 11 Months

Where has the time gone?!?!?! I can't believe in a few weeks we will be celebrating your first birthday! The past month has been exciting and a little rough.

May 31st your dad and I came back from a weekend in Chicago and you weren't feeling the best. We took you home and gave you tylenol hoping it would pass. That evening you ended up with 103.6 temperature and we took you to the ER because we weren't sure what was wrong. After a few hours they said you had an ear infection in both ears, gave you some motrin and amoxicillin and sent us up with a prescription as well. At this point mom wasn't feeling very well either so dad was probably wanting to run away from us both! The next day dad came home from work early to watch you so mom could go to the doctor, I ended up with fluid on my ears and a viral infection. Almost 2 weeks later my cough is almost gone!! After 7 days of being on the amoxicillin and finally feeling better you broke out in a horrible rash! Ended up taking you back to the doctor to find out what happened and they said as of right now they are just calling it a reaction to the medicine and advised us to stop and that the rash would clear up in 3-4 days. Thank god it did!

While having all of those fun doctor visits your weight went between 18-19lbs so you are still pretty tiny. They didn't check anything else until your 1 year appointment but we at least know your weight. You are still wearing size 3 diapers and probably will for awhile. You have 8 teeth now and starting to put everything in your mouth, lately it has been puppys toys! The biggest accomplishment.... you are officially walking! You are everywhere, but it is so fun.

Now that it is getting warmer we bought you a little pool for outside a few Sundays ago and love to swim. You get to go at Aunt Amy's when the weather is nice too, little water bug. You do have a few words you say, dadda of course, now mama every now and then, when you are playing with a certain toy you will say cheese. And once in awhile in sounds like you say a lot more words but I really doubt you are.

You are also finally eating better! We don't struggle with solid foods as much as we use too and you get solids at about every meal now, especially when you are at daycare.

In a few weeks we will be celebrating your birthday, we are doing it a week early at our house in Wakefield because we will be in Buckling for your actual birthday.

We love you so much baby girl!