Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bria- 3 months!!

Today you are 3 months old and growing like a weed!! We don't go back to the doctor until your 4 month appointment so your size is a guess. I'm guessing your around 12 lbs. Still wear size 1 diapers but we are starting to wonder if you need to go to a size 2 because you have peed out of it a few times. It may also be that sometimes you don't pee during the night, then let it all out in the morning

Love to smile, especially if you are laying on your changing table. You are definitely a jabber box! Always talking or telling stories.

Had another busy month with lots of KSU games, Connor's Baptism and Colton's 2nd birthday party!! 

The biggest milestone for the last month... You rolled over!! Took us a few times before we actually caught it on film but we did after about the 2nd time. You go from back to stomach but haven't figured out how to get from your tummy to your back. 

That is all for now baby we girl. We love you lots!!!!