Sunday, November 29, 2015

Halloween 2015

Once again I am a little behind but that is OK better late than never!

Anyways, for Halloween this year we hung out in Manhattan again. Brian went to State cross country that morning in Wamego and then played in a golf tournament that afternoon. Once we was done we had dinner with Grammy, Papa, Aunt Amy, Uncle Jordan, Colton and Marlee. After that we put on our Halloween costumes and got ready to head out around Grammy and Papa's Neighborhood.

Marlee wore her kitty kat jammies, Colton dressed as Chase from Paw Patrol and Bria was a little pink Monster. We won't talk about Jordan's costume, you can just see that for yourself!

We got lots of goodies and the kids did better than I expected.

Enjoy the photos!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bria's 15 month check up and Pre-Halloween Fun


Not a lot of time has passed since my last blog but that's how it should be.

On October 14 we went in for our 15 month check up. Crazy how fast time flies but she sure is getting into a fun stage!

You love to dance and put on a show, but usually just for mom and dad. You become shy when anyone else is around so they don't get to see. Still fit into some 12 month clothes, but can also wear 18 month clothes. Still sleeping through the night except when those darn teeth are cutting. If I'm counting correctly, which you don't like me to do we only have 4 left and you will be done!!

Anyways, are your check up you had 4 shots :(. But a cookie made it all better. You were 31 inches tall (61%), 20 lbs 15 oz (43%) and your head is 46 1/2 cm (73%). Big ol head to store all the brains and smarts you have. The doctor was especially impressed because they had a picture of Willie the Wildcat up on the wall and you looked up and in the cutest 1 year old voice said Willie. Even when the doctor or nurse asked you told them who it was. This was the first time you had said it so I was impressed as well. Now you say Willie and K but you let mom and dad do the S and the U, then you finish it off with Wildcats. When you see Willie you tell us who he is and even give him kisses. We are now interested to see what you would do when you see the real Willie. Other than that the doctor was happy with everything and said you are tracking more like a 2 year old with your speech and what not.

Finally you drink your milk, it takes awhile to finish a cup but you drink it. You also do not shy away from the table, I'm not sure where you put it but you stuff it all in that little body somewhere.

Also, today 10/25 we got out some paint and let you paint your pumpkin. We were surprised with how well you did and how little of a mess you made. You only tried to eat it once and after that you didn't try again. Next blog will be about Halloween and your absolutely adorable costume! :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bria - 15 months

Well Hello. I realized its been 3 months since I posted anything and If I'm going to get better at this blogging thing after Bria's 1 year I haven't done a very good job!

It's been fairly quiet around here. Few exciting pieces of news before I dive into our boring lives. We welcomed a new niece to the family. Ms. Marlee Kirk was born July 16, 2015 in Manhattan. She had a few issues and got to spend some time in the hospital at Topeka but thankfully not near as long as her older brother. She is loved by many and Bria loves to try and "help" Aunt Amy during daycare.

Within the last few months we also found out that Aunt Jodi is also expecting another little girl in January. The boys will be out numbered and taken down very shortly!

Now about us. The end of July/ beginning of August we took a little vacation to Kansas City. It was partially for Brian and I to celebrate our 5 year Anniversary, do some shopping and have a small vacation with Bria. We left Wakefield/Manhattan on Friday and once we got to Kansas City we took Bria to the Deanna Rose Farm. I think Brian enjoyed being able to feed/play with the animals more than Bria did but she really seemed to enjoy throwing food to the fish. After a few hours there we went and checked into our hotel and got cleaned up so Brian and I could go out to dinner while Bria stayed with her Aunt Megan. Thank goodness she behaved! :) The next day we went swimming and dinked around the hotel, then finally got ready and met Brian's parents for lunch at the Legends, after lunch we went shopping! Shopping sure has changed now, I found myself wanting to buy more stuff for Bria than myself but don't worry Brian and I still got stuff. After a long exhausting day at Legend's we headed to Topeka where we stopped and got a big girl car seat for Bria. We went over to Jodi and Dustin's to hang out for awhile so Brian could install the new car seat before heading back home.

That was about our only big adventure. Bria spent most of the summer at a different daycare while Aunt Amy adjusted to life with 2 kids, she went back to her in September. Also, with mom and dad having a house in Manhattan we found ourselves there quite a bit on the weekends so we get lots of quality time with our cousins.

 She is starting to say a little bit more and of course is walking all over the place. I believe we are up to 13 teeth and have 3 more working their way through before her last few are in. She is definitely a dancer. Loves to dance to music, and sometimes imaginary music but it keeps Brian and I entertained just watching her. She is also obsessed with her belly button, in fact anyones belly button that will show her and let her play with it. I don't recommend starting that though, and I honestly don't want to see anyone else's belly button so please don't offer! :)

School has started and is going pretty well for Brian and I am still plugging along at AIB. We are also pretty busy with K-State football games every other weekend.

I am starting to take up photography kind of has a hobby for now and been spending quite a bit of time on that. It is a lot easier to practice with a 1 year old running around and the many faces of Bria. So, if your in the market for some photos at a cheap price let me know and I'd be happy to help out. Just remember I'm starting out so you pay for what you get! :)

For now enjoy some photos that I've snapped of little Bria.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Bria - 1 year old!!!

That was the fastest year ever! Yes, I am a few days late writing your 1 year post but we have been busy celebrating your birthday, 4th of July, my Birthday and just enjoying the summer!

We actually had your Birthday party the weekend before you turned 1. We were heading to Bucklin the weekend you actually turned 1 so, we celebrated with friends and family early.

Pizza was on the menu for lunch, then mommy made homemade ice cream and got your cake from Walmart. You opened a ton of new toys and clothes, which you have seemed to enjoy all of them. The clothes were perfect for the hot summer. Then it was time to do your "smash cake", you weren't interested hardly at all. You played with it a little but there really wasn't any smashing. After your party ended most of the family stuck around and talked while you, Connor and Colton went swimming. After we got everyone down for a nap your Uncles decided it was a good idea for everyone to get their suits back on and we go to the Wakefield City pool. The kids loved it!

On your real birthday, July 2 we took your to your 1 year check-up. Trust me we heard how many times we were bad parents making you do that on your birthday but you won't even remember it and the only way you will know is when you read this or someone tells you. Anyways you were 29 3/4 in tall which was the 72% for your age, 19 lbs and 6 oz which was the 44% and your head was 45 cm and the 50%. The doctor thought everything looked perfect and you were actually on track with an 18 month old based on your speech, walking etc. The doctor gave you a cookie for your birthday when she was done, but then the nurse had to come in and give you your 4 shots that you needed. As you usual you cried but who is to blame you. After those were over the nurse gave you another cookie which made things all better. After that appointment we had to walk next door so you could get your blood drawn. Of course once again you cried but once again no one is blaming you for that. After that we got in the car and headed to Bucklin.

For being 1 you have 8 teeth and your 4 molars are working their way in, which hasn't made for a fun few weeks but it is getting better. You are walking everywhere and love to torture your puppy. Solid foods are getting better, and we actually found a sippy cup you will drink milk out of. You are completely off formula (thank god!) and get 1 bottle of milk at night. The milk transition hasn't been that easy as people have seen from my post on facebook, but with the new sippy cup we are getting better. I would say your favorite food right now is yogurt, strawberries and hot dogs.

I think that is all for now, hopefully your mom can keep this blog going with updates on you and our lives!!!

 Enjoy some photos from you Birthday party!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bria - 11 Months

Where has the time gone?!?!?! I can't believe in a few weeks we will be celebrating your first birthday! The past month has been exciting and a little rough.

May 31st your dad and I came back from a weekend in Chicago and you weren't feeling the best. We took you home and gave you tylenol hoping it would pass. That evening you ended up with 103.6 temperature and we took you to the ER because we weren't sure what was wrong. After a few hours they said you had an ear infection in both ears, gave you some motrin and amoxicillin and sent us up with a prescription as well. At this point mom wasn't feeling very well either so dad was probably wanting to run away from us both! The next day dad came home from work early to watch you so mom could go to the doctor, I ended up with fluid on my ears and a viral infection. Almost 2 weeks later my cough is almost gone!! After 7 days of being on the amoxicillin and finally feeling better you broke out in a horrible rash! Ended up taking you back to the doctor to find out what happened and they said as of right now they are just calling it a reaction to the medicine and advised us to stop and that the rash would clear up in 3-4 days. Thank god it did!

While having all of those fun doctor visits your weight went between 18-19lbs so you are still pretty tiny. They didn't check anything else until your 1 year appointment but we at least know your weight. You are still wearing size 3 diapers and probably will for awhile. You have 8 teeth now and starting to put everything in your mouth, lately it has been puppys toys! The biggest accomplishment.... you are officially walking! You are everywhere, but it is so fun.

Now that it is getting warmer we bought you a little pool for outside a few Sundays ago and love to swim. You get to go at Aunt Amy's when the weather is nice too, little water bug. You do have a few words you say, dadda of course, now mama every now and then, when you are playing with a certain toy you will say cheese. And once in awhile in sounds like you say a lot more words but I really doubt you are.

You are also finally eating better! We don't struggle with solid foods as much as we use too and you get solids at about every meal now, especially when you are at daycare.

In a few weeks we will be celebrating your birthday, we are doing it a week early at our house in Wakefield because we will be in Buckling for your actual birthday.

We love you so much baby girl!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bria's Baptism

So many first and exciting things when you have kids!

Last weekend we got Bria baptized and it was my first Mother's Day!

Brian actually gave me my Mother's Day gift on Thursday because we had family here all weekend to help Bria celebrate!

My Gift. I love it!!! :)

Saturday afternoon Uncle Dustin, Aunt Jodi, cousin Connor, Uncle Jordan, Aunt Amy, cousin Colton and Grammy and Papa all came over to Wakefield to hang out and have dinner. Daddy, Uncle D and Uncle Jordan even went fishing for a little while before it started to rain.

Then on Sunday we all got up and around and headed off to the Mizpah United Methodist Church outside of Wakefield. There your Grandma and Grandpa Sturges and great-grandma mammy met us for church.

Luckily they did the baptism fairly early in case you got cranky or fell asleep. You did pretty well and you like water so I think that helped with the pastor putting it on your head. After Church some Women of the Church had Punch and Cookies for us in the fellowship hall for us to celebrate. After that we all headed up and went to eat lunch at Nelson's Landing.

It was nothing to big or exciting but you are now baptized and had a fun weekend doing it!

Also, on Mother's day you started taking a few steps. You get excited and fall down but you are starting to get pretty good. I am expecting you to be walking before your first birthday! You also finally said mama but you haven't really don't it since then, but I will take it!!!

We love you baby girl!!!