Monday, March 25, 2013

Ready for Spring!!

Is anyone else tired of this snow like I am?? I was happy we got more snow this year than we did last year, and I even got a snow day at work (BONUS). However; with being a week away from April snow can go away! I thought this week was suppose to start warming up, but when I left work at lunch and found flurries coming from the snow, and even more after work, I was very disappointed!

I do know that I'm not as disappointed as a little furry someone I know. There are a few things that tell me this.

1) If you didn't already know, I believe Miller can talk. After countless football seasons with Brian always being gone late and me left to having dinner by myself; I started carrying on conversations with Miller (I'm not nuts, he is just like my child).

2) I believe the above picture above shows another reason why he is disappointed. The kid loves to sunbathe!

3) I literally had to throw him outside at lunch and after dinner. He refused to go outside, I can't blame him though.

With the way this winter has been going and how WRONG that stupid ground hog was, I'm thinking summer might not be a good one. And if you know me at all you know I absolutely HATE tornadoes. Most Kansans go outside the minute the sirens go off to see if they can see the tornado or any part of it. While I'm hiding downstairs ready to kiss my ass goodbye!

Let's hope I'm wrong on this issue, but just always worries me.

Thursday, March 21, 2013 March

Well it has been over a month since I have posted.... Only a few exciting things have happened since.

We had christmas in March!!!

It was so exhausting Colton fell asleep after all the presents were opened.
It was nice to finally have Christmas, but even BETTER to take the tree down!!
The next best thing (even though we lost) KSU vs OSU with our friends The Bixby's.
Isn't she a beauty????

                                                                   The Hubs and I.

And our seats... at the very top of Gallagher-Iba.
We were so high you could see the top of the scoreboard, but not the American Flag.
Still fun to be there and Oklahoma State fans are so incredibly nice!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Colton Eugene

It is me again.. I know everyone was probably thinking yup one blog and she is done. But I promise I tried really hard to think of something to write. I think the most exciting thing besides KU losing 3 games in a row to unranked teams, was an AT&T guy don't following the "no solicitors" sign on our door. Trust me, as Brian was hiding in the guest room I got the point across he was wasting his time!

But I think I will talk about my adorable nephew Colton in this post.

Is he not the cutest little runt you have ever seen?!?!?!?!
This picture was taken before he went in to surgery this afternoon.

Just a little recap. Colton was born about 2 months early and at some point had stopped growing in the womb. So when he came out he was only 1lb 7oz.

Such a difference in photos huh?? Well I would hope so considering he is 5 months old.

Anyways, he has had quite the journey in his little life so far. But today he took a giant step towards ending his life in this hospital and experiencing the greatest of his Aunt Tamren. I feel bad because I haven't seen the little fella since he was in Topeka which was December, but I have been taken care of his best friend he has yet to meet (Kirley Sue the K9). Sorry, got off track again, anyways today he had surgery to have a g-tube/Mickey button put in and his hernias reparied. The g-tube is like a small button inserted so that they can feed him through it. He does great a few days breast feeding and then decides he doesn't want to do. If you know my family, we can be a little stubborn, so I think that is where he gets this from. Well now that he has had the g-tube inserted they said he could be home in 1-2 weeks, YAH!!!! Amy and Jordan have to learn how to work the mickey button and then he should be home..

And let me tell you, I can't wait to get my hands on that little fart. I don't think they realize I might bring Kirley home to them, and then sneak Colton in to my car and head on home. If I get caught, I just won't put him down. The grandparents have gotten to hold/touch him for quite awhile now, while the rest of us have had to wait. I'm getting tired of waiting, I'm sure I may have to fight his other aunts and uncles off but I will prevail :).

I'm stepping up the blogging game with photos.. Now if our lives would just get more entertaining so I have more to blog about on a regular basis!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Here We Go Again!!!

Ok, It is 2013 and I'm trying the blogging thing again.

I had a huge blog posted about a 2012 recap, but apparently I didn't save it correctly and it is gone! As I mentioned I am trying this blog thing again, I love reading peoples blogs but can never thing of anything to say. I wish I could say 2012 wasn't exciting because it was! For now, I'm going to start out with how 2013 has gone so far.

We didn't quite bring in the new year with a huge BANG. We hung out at our friends house playing card games and having a good time, we were home by about 12:15. Not because we are lame, or old but we were heading to Phoenix for the Fiesta Bowl. We decided to drive the first day and stop in Santa Fe, talk about a long ass drive!!! It only got worse as Santa Fe to Phoenix was another 10 hour drive. Unfortunately we came back with a loss.

PS. I would post pictures but I don't have any loaded on my computer yet. And I think pictures make the blog that more exciting, but for now this is a blog is just a work in progress.

If I came keep up with this blogging, hopefully the next exciting blog I will have is that my baby nephew will finally be home from the hospital!!!!!