Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I am horrible at this blogging thing.

Well I just finished writing on my work blog so I figured I should write on what we have been up too.

Brian has been back at school for 2 months now. The kids the year seem to be making him lose his hair (hahahaha) but he will get through. I have randomly been helping him grade his kids homework, and some of them I don't think will ever graduate from high school but what do I know. The Junction City football team is doing pretty well, they lost their first game to Emporia last friday night. For some reason they have struggled with them the past 2 years, but it is only their first loss and you can't win them all! I also say you can't blame everything on the refs but that game you can blame on the refs, it was ridiculous but I won't bore you with the details!

As for me well I wrote about my changes on my work blog so I won't go into details. But I changed real estate offices to Hallmark Homes and still working part time at Community First National Bank. I am still looking for full time but for some reason can't get a darn interview with everyone. I guess they don't realize what they are missing out on! Real estate is slow, but I am waiting on my 4th house to close on October 24 so that is exciting. I will definitely get more out of that paycheck then I got at ERA so that will be nice to have.

I also have decided to start working out, I'm embarrassed to say that I weigh more than my husband does! Not by a lot but more than I should. He doesn't do anything to lose weight, just is constantly moving around during school and at football and not drinking as much beer so that helps him.. I had been running, I got up to 2 miles which is a huge accomplishment for me. I have never been a long distance runner and running more than down the block is to far for me! But I did it. Yesterday I decided to try Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 workout... I did day 2 today and oh my god that workout is intense. I didn't thing doing that would be so difficult but I was definitely sweating more in that 24 minute workout than I did running 2 miles. If I can stick to it for the whole 30 days I think I will be tone and lighter. But we shall see.... Check back in to see how the workouts are going and if I find a job!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm not a good blogger!

So if you haven't noticed, I am the worlds WORST blogger. I have 2 blogs, one is a work blog and this one and neither of them get updated as they should!


July has come and gone and we celebrated our 1st Anniversary. We rented a party bus for us and parts of the wedding party who could make it back. It was awesome and such a fun way to celebrate our anniversary, after 3 hours on the bus we met friends in Aggieville and the rest of the night is kind of a blurr ;). Next day mostly everyone went home or to another wedding (this was our actual anniversary). Our friends Jake and Cassity stayed and Ben and Katie as well. We decided to go to Aggieville for lunch and ended up staying until about 7:30. Katie and Ben headed back to Mcpherson (we weren't happy with them but understood they wanted their bed and had a busy sunday planned). So, The Bixby's and Sturges continued drinking at our house and the shit show began. Cassity was in such a funny mood it made the day a blast, but made me wish we lived closer to our friends :(. We just need to get better at Road trips.

And on to August we go. I got a 2nd job because real estate is going so slow for me at the moment. It's at a bank as their loan scanner. It sounds just like what I do, I sit behind a computer and scan in all of their files. It's nothing exciting but learned I could potentially move up in the bank if I choose too. Brian also starts school this Monday so hopefully I can do better @ blogging and keep you updated on his school year and football season. But for now I'm going to take off.

Until next time my friends....


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Let's Try This Again!

Well I am not very good at this blogging thing!

I tried it about a year ago when we first got married and I was horrible at it, so a year later I'm trying it again. Now, I don't necessary care if anyone reads this and I'm not going to post it publicly so that people can follow. It will be posted under my websites on facebook but that will be the extent of it. I am using this more as a place to keep my thoughts.

I was pulling the enormous amounts of weeds we have growing out by our mail box and had a lot of thoughts, while pulling weeds I decided to take a bath and unwind plus it wouldn't be as much work as I have worn myself out for the day. I decided in the bath this would be my online journal for my own thoughts, to unload my brain so it doesn't burn out.

I have recently applied for a few jobs, they will mostly be full time jobs as we desperately need the money. I love real estate, but it still hasn't quite taken off like we were hoping. And honestly we are wanting to start a family within the next 2 years so we need to have some money saved up. I also don't want to live in this same house when we start a family, we have already out grown it and having a kid comes with having a lot of crap (not literally haha).

Well lets move on to what is new with Brian and I (other than me finding another job). We are coming up on our 1 year wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that it has been a year already. There have been some test and some rough fights, but we made it through and I can honestly say I love him more today then I did a year ago. I don't know what I would do without him. So in honor of our wedding we are having a big bash. We rented out a Light It Up Limo bus for us and what wedding party could come, and after 3 hours on the party bus we are hitting up Aggieville. I have a feeling it's going to be a night for the record books.. Pictures and a blog will be following.

Well I think that is all for now..Hopefully I can keep up on blogging this time!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Let's Try This again

We are trying blogging again!!!!!

I always have a million thoughts running through my head and I love reading other peoples blogs so I wanted to start our own and try it out again. I also have a blog for my business which is going alright so if I can keep up with them both we will be doing good!!!

Another post will come again later this week but just wanted to get the first one out there!!!!

Brian, Tamren and Miller Sturges