Friday, February 27, 2015

Bria - 7 months

Considering you are going to be 8 months next week I'm a little behind on the 7 month post!

February 2nd you were 7 months old! 
We didn't have a check up this time but somewhere during the month we weighed you and that came in around 16lbs. I don't think the height has changed a lot but at least your weight seemed to go up.

You are up to 3 teeth and the 4th work is working its way down. Food still is not your thing even though you have your chompers. You are pretty picky but so are your dad and I!

You are now crawling, sitting, pulling yourself up on things. Let's just say things around here have definitely changed. Had a baby gate up that quickly broke so we are waiting on a new more durable one to come in the mail that will fit the door. With crawling the past week you have discovered Miller's food and love to pull it out of the bowl and throw it across the laundry room. Silly girl. 

We have talked about lowering your crib because you now can pull yourself up on the sides or the front. 

You also got to out in the snow for the first time!!!

not the best pictures because you wouldn't open your eyes, but you just look so darn cute in your giant snow suit!

Another Holiday or it was your First Valentine's Day!! You got some new KSU clothes and mom shared her flowers with you. 

February was a big month considering all your teeth that have come in and crawling but other than that we are still just loving having you around and seeing what crazy thing you are going to do next.

We love you baby girl!!!!