Thursday, April 13, 2017

Bria's 2nd Birthday!

July 2, 2016 Bria turned 2!!!! It doesn't seem possible but she has been such a joy.

By the time Bria turned 2 we were living back in Manhattan at my parents house.

We had her birthday party at the KSU Alumni Center. Both grandparents attended, Uncle Dustin, Aunt Jodi, Connor, Julia, Uncle Jordan, Aunt Amy, Colton, Marlee, Aunt Megan, Lamonte, Dustin and Ashley Delehantey, Travis and Lauren Chard, and Megan and Morgan Hood all attended your party.

You of course were loved and got all sorts of fun toys and clothes. You couldn't wait to get back to grammy and papa's so that you could start playing with everything. With you having a birthday in the summer comes lots of time at the pool so you and your cousins got to go swimming after nap time.

It was probably a given but you had Mickey/Minnie Mouse decorations/cake and we brought in food from Cox Brothers.


Well it seems I fell off the blogging train! I would like to get it started again so that the kids have something to read when they are older.

Last blog I wrote was about Halloween 2015. I of course missed Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2015. Then all of the holidays for 2016. I will write a separate blog for Bria's second and then all of the changes since then.

The last blog I wrote we were still living in Wakefield. In January 2016 Brian and I made the decision to move back to Manhattan. Brian was not enjoying his job as principal at Wakefield, and I did not like living in a small town again. We spent every weekend we could in Manhattan and it just made us happier. With that decision came the decision that Brian was going to leave education, with the way it was headed in the State it just seemed like the better idea. So, Brian ended up getting a job as the Loan operations Manager at Community First National Bank and we moved back to mom and dads house in Manhattan until we could find a place of our own.

We made the move in May and found a house, closed and moved in September. While living at mom and dads we found out Baby Sturges #2 was on his way (that will be another blog post).

Again, after working at the bank for 6 months, Brian realized how much he hated working a desk job and wanted to get back into education. He resigned from the bank in January 2017 but thankfully they kept him on until he found a teaching job. As of April 10, 2017 he will be a science teacher at Junction City High School. Huge relief off our shoulders and I will be glad when he gets back into education and out from behind a desk job all day!

I think that is a brief update of our life so far and now I will continue to write separate blogs on the kids and other changes. Hopefully I can keep this up in 2017!