Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm not a good blogger!

So if you haven't noticed, I am the worlds WORST blogger. I have 2 blogs, one is a work blog and this one and neither of them get updated as they should!


July has come and gone and we celebrated our 1st Anniversary. We rented a party bus for us and parts of the wedding party who could make it back. It was awesome and such a fun way to celebrate our anniversary, after 3 hours on the bus we met friends in Aggieville and the rest of the night is kind of a blurr ;). Next day mostly everyone went home or to another wedding (this was our actual anniversary). Our friends Jake and Cassity stayed and Ben and Katie as well. We decided to go to Aggieville for lunch and ended up staying until about 7:30. Katie and Ben headed back to Mcpherson (we weren't happy with them but understood they wanted their bed and had a busy sunday planned). So, The Bixby's and Sturges continued drinking at our house and the shit show began. Cassity was in such a funny mood it made the day a blast, but made me wish we lived closer to our friends :(. We just need to get better at Road trips.

And on to August we go. I got a 2nd job because real estate is going so slow for me at the moment. It's at a bank as their loan scanner. It sounds just like what I do, I sit behind a computer and scan in all of their files. It's nothing exciting but learned I could potentially move up in the bank if I choose too. Brian also starts school this Monday so hopefully I can do better @ blogging and keep you updated on his school year and football season. But for now I'm going to take off.

Until next time my friends....