Saturday, March 28, 2015

Bria- 8 months

Once again I am behind. You will be 9 months old next week and I'm just now writing your 8 month blog!
We still didn't have a check up so we aren't sure on your stats but we are assuming you are still under 20lbs. We have put you on the scale at home a few times and you have gotten up to 18 pounds. You are very petite but I am ok with that, not sure the doctor will be though.

You finally got your 4th tooth down but didn't seem to effect you too much, at least that we noticed. This month you got to enjoy your first St. Patrick's Day. We took you to the parade in Aggieville but you slept through most of it. But you hung out like a trooper all day so that was good. 

Last weekend you and mom went to Topeka to help Connor celebrate his 1st birthday. You got to go swimming which you didn't like very much unless you were in the hot/warm tub. 

You say dada, daddy, hi daddy but still no mama. Dad swears you said it the other day but I wasn't around and I think he just wanted to screw with me. 

You are also officially crawling and everywhere! You don't like to sit still and you especially like to stand up. 

I think that is about all the excitement you have had in the last month. Next week we finally go to the doctor for your 9 month check up and see how you are progressing. You will also have your first easter!!