Monday, June 18, 2012

Getting back on the workout wagon

So lately I have been feeling disgusted about myself. I did really good for a few months with going to the gym and eating better. Then I fell off that wagon! So today sitting at work I decided I need to get on that wagon. I'm 25 there is no reason I don't need to be up and active and to help me achieve that I made a to do list. I feel like it is easier to get things done when I have a list. And today I had 12 items on my list and so far 7 things have been marked off and completing this blog will be item #8! I also don't think I will get to a few of the things on my list as it is getting late, and the dogs have been outside playing for a few hours this evening so I think I can skip taking them on a walk... and no we didn't get another dog, we are dog sitting Kirley until saturday. She is not off to a good start in my books!!!

Anyways back to my workout ways, while at the gym (and some inspiration from this blog I decided maybe if I blogged about my workouts then I would stay inspired to do them. I know my blogging in the past has been horrible but lets hope I stay on the workout wagon even if the blogging wagon falls apart again.

So tonight at the gym I started small, I wasn't sure what kind of shape I was in and I didn't want to discourage myself. So I did 30 minutes of interval training on the treadmill, and I didn't do as bad as I expected. I ran 2.3 miles and burned ~170 calories. That is pretty good for me considering when I started at the gym way back in December accomplishing a mile was a HUGE task! But made me feel good: 1 because I wasn't in that bad of shape like I expected 2. gave me some energy and I left the gym nice and sweaty....... and found a bee in my car when I tried to leave- that got my heart rate up higher than I think it was when I was running!!

Anyways from the website I posted above I stoll the girls workouts and made my own print outs and hoping that keeps me motivated to keep on the workout path!

My goal is to lose 15lbs- and I got 15 to go starting NOW!!