Sunday, May 21, 2017

New House!

I briefly blogged in my April update that we were back in Manhattan.

Now I'm going to elaborate a little more on our house!

We moved into mom and dads house in May and put all of belongings either in their storage room or a storage room here in Manhattan and began looking for a new house.

This was a longer harder process than we thought. We didn't have a lot of options in our price range and I wasn't going to settle on something because this would be a house we lived in for quite awhile.

We ended up finding one on Treesmill that was a for sale by owner and it was gorgeous! The basement needed some work but the main floor and upstairs was amazing. It was all updated and just gorgeous. So, we put an offer after viewing the home. Things were going well until we had the home inspection. It was just a mess and I honestly can't even remember half of it but our inspector advised us to run! So we did just that, and the search continued.

We found another house on Woods drive but I wasn't completely sold on it. The kitchen was very outdated and I just wasn't real sure. We wanted a master bath with 2 vanities maybe 1 more bedroom if we could. But nothing else was coming on the market and we were ready to get a house of our own! We ended putting an offer and after some negotiating we got it. House inspecting was much better this time with a few minor things but nothing major!

We closed right before labor day weekend and began moving. Brian couldn't take much time off so we hired a moving company to help move since I was pregnant. Before we did move in we had the entire upstairs (minus the bathrooms, kitchen, laundry room and dining room) painted, and the entire downstairs (minus guest room and bathroom) painted.

I believe we moved over Labor Day weekend and got all settled in. One of the deals Brian and I made when we bought this house was that the kitchen would be updated sooner rather than later. So, we began that process.  Below is a list of things we did and a things we would still like to do eventually but the house is coming a lot and we are enjoying it.

Things we have done:
New flooring in the kitchen, laundry room, living room, hallway and master bathroom
New granite counter tops in the kitchen
New appliances - refrigerator, stove, microwave, and dishwasher
New granite sink
New blacksplash
Wallpaper removed from kitchen and dining room and new paint

Things to do:
New windows throughout the whole house
Fix door walkout door in basement
New carpet in upstairs bedrooms

Bria's Potty trained!!!

We started to potty train Bria when we found out Baby #2 was coming. I didn't want 2 kids in diapers.

We didn't really push her much and kind of let her go as she wanted. We tried panties a few times and that was not successful but we were able to move from diapers to pull ups! Ms. Amy worked with her at daycare but it just didn't seem to be clicking and I didn't want to push it too much.

Finally after Konlen arrived it seemed to click. She was home with me for a few days and we decided to work harder at it. We got out the panties she had and she was able to pick out the ones she wanted to wear every morning and it seemed to be working. We have had a few accidents but for the most part she is doing really good. She wears panties every day and a pull up at night time just in case.

However, that may be ending soon as well as she never goes during the night and holds it until the morning.

Easter 2017

Konlen's First Easter!!

This year we colored eggs with Bria, which she loved! Dropped an egg one time and splattered dye everywhere but after that she was very gentle with her eggs. Didn't do anything crazy but enjoyed coloring the eggs.

Both kids also got some clothes and a stuff animal.

Then on Sunday we had grammy Nessa, papa Stu, grandma Jennifer and grandpa Bill over for Easter Dinner. It was much easier than trying to load everyone up in the car and go somewhere. We had your normal easter dinner, then Bria looked for more eggs in the back yard, opened her gifts from the grandparents, played with those for a little while and then it was nap time.

Very uneventful except Konlen threw up all over his adorable outfit before lunch even started. Glad I got a few pictures in it before hand!

Konlen - 2 months

2 Months old already!! :(

I went back to work on May 3 and you went to daycare. You transitioned like a pro! I think it might help that big sister was there to help you along the way. Also, with big sister you go to Aunt Amy's house so that might make things a little easier as well.

We learned in between month 1 and month 2 that Dr. Serk left so we switched to Dr. Gallagher and this was our first time seeing him.

I didn't mention in your 1 month post but your heart murmur was back and they wanted to keep an eye on it, so switching doctors made me nervous just because of this.

You weight 13.2 lbs and were 24.5 inches long. And thankfully Dr. Gallagher did not notice a heart murmur! He said if things were wrong with your heart, then we would not be seeing good results in your growth and things were going well with your growth and development.

We also feel your reflux is getting better.

You are starting to smile and "talk". Definitely think you will be a momma's boy because you smile a lot for mommy. Big sister is also pretty good at making you smile and loves to help with you. You have also discovered your hands and like to suck on them occasionally. Also, can't complain because you started sleeping through the night at around 6 weeks. I don't know how we did it but got lucky that both our babies started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks.

We are loving every minute with you and you are still not missing a meal! :)

Konlen - 1 month

Just like that Konlen is 1 month old!!

Nothing really excited happened during the first month. We did have about a week span where Bria didn't like Konlen. Bria also came down with the flu which she hasn't experienced before so wasn't quite sure what was going on and why she kept throwing up. But we got over the flu and she liked her bubby again.

At your 1 month appointment you weighed 11lbs and were 22.5 inches long. Big boy! You don't like to miss a meal. Unfortunately, we discovered that you have reflux. You were throwing up a lot, all the time and it was started to get frustrating. However, we switched to Dr. Brown's bottles, started sitting you up in a more upright position and burping you more often during feedings.

We did have to go back to the dr the Saturday after you came home because your circumcision wouldn't stop bleeding, so they had to tie it off again. I thought your dad was going to pass out when they did this!

Breast feeding again didn't go so well. You would eat well from the left side but seemed to hate the right side. I was pumping after feeding just to get some relief from my breast. I didn't find it so much this time as I did with Bria, because I knew even if I was just pumping you were still getting breast milk and it was easier on me as well!

At 6 weeks we also started noticing you wouldn't look to the left, so I started doing some research and found chiropractor care could help. Luckily, Brian's chiropractor is a high school friend and I called him up and discussed what was going on. He said he could help but we could also wait and see if it worked itself out. We ended up going in to him and he realized you had torticolis and that is why you weren't looking to the left and a good possibility why you wouldn't breast feed on the right side. I only wish we would have realized this earlier!

Time needs to slow down. 1 month went by way to fast!!

Introducing Konlen William Sturges

Baby Sturges #2 is here!!!

Things were a little less eventful in the beginning this time around. Since Bria was delivered via c-section, Dr. Gros advised that we deliver the same way this time as well. He said if I tried to have it naturally, then I could risk ripping my previous scar and potentially bleeding out before they would be able to save me and the baby. Enough said, we will do another c-section. It was fine with me, at least we knew when the baby was coming and could plan ahead of time!

Again, we found out that Baby Sturges #2 was a boy!!! Brian was thrilled and since this was our last kid it was nice to have one of both. Bria was excited, we took her to the sonogram at 10 weeks to just confirm I was pregnant and that we only had 1 baby in there. We also took her a long when we found out the sex of the baby. I thought the more we involved her, the easier it would be once he got here.

She was excited to have a little brother, told us she would change his diaper, feed him, and teach him things. My original due date was March 7, but we decided to have surgery set for March 1. I am sorry, but I am not one of those people that loves being pregnant. The sooner we could get him out, the happier I would be. This pregnancy was a lot different as well. I had a lot more "morning" sickness, even though it lasted all day. Eating was about the only thing that would really make me feel better and some nights I think I beat Bria to bed! I believe I ended up gaining 30-40lbs, like I said, food was all that made me feel better. We luckily didn't have any complications again and was an easy pregnancy. I did miss sleeping on my side or stomach so I didn't get a lot of sleep.

March 1 quickly came and we had to be at the hospital that morning at 5AM, surgery was set for 7:30. Bria went and miller went and stayed at my parent house the night before so that we didn't have to worry about waking her up early in the morning and meeting up with my mom. Again, I didn't sleep much the night before so I was up and ready to go.

We got to the hospital, got checked in and they started the IV and everything I would need for surgery. The anesthesiologist came in to meet us and kind of go over the game plan once in the operating room and now we just wait. It surprisingly went quickly and before I knew it we were walking back to the operating room. They had me climb up on the table so they could start the spinal tap.  Since Brian hates needles he hid behind the nurse while she held me up and talked me through the injections. Wasn't bad, few stings and they were done and ready to lay me down. Laid me down and started the rest of the medicines and at this time Dr. Gros came in to make sure we were all set. Dr. Priddle was running behind but that was fine because as they were laying out all the utensils and checking them, they found a hair so they had to start all over! While we were waiting on that and Dr. Priddle I got really nauseous and they ended up sitting me up a little bit just in case I threw up, but never did!!!

Finally, Dr. Priddle arrived and both doctors were ready to wash up, utensils were all ready to go again and we could start surgery. They warn you that you will experience some tugging and jerking, I didn't really remember this with Bria but was aware of it this time!

At 7:51AM on March 1, 2017 Konlen William Sturges arrived!!

Dr. Gross initially thought he would be about 8.5lbs, but he was way wrong! Konlen weighed 9lbs 8oz and was 21 inches long. The anesthesiologist said "you just gave birth to a linebacker!

Dr. Gros showed me Konlen, then took him to the warmer so he could be cleaned up  and ready to brought over to me while they finished sewing me up. Brian went over and saw him, took some pictures and then brought him over so I could meet him. I loved meeting baby Konlen, but I was also not feeling the best as they sewed me back up. I again got very nauseous and felt short of breath. They warned me this would also happen while they were putting me back together and I again didn't remember this with Bria but it was very uncomfortable. The anesthesiologist kept an eye on me just to make sure I was ok. Konlen ended up getting taken out as they discovered he had a heart murmur and because of his weight they wanted to make sure everything was ok. We finished up and I got moved into recovery, again we couldn't start feeding him right away because they wanted to make sure everything was ok with his weight.

After about an hour monitoring me, they were ready to move me back to our room. Konlen was still being watched at this point but would meet us in our room soon enough. After we got back to our room Brian went and got mom, Bria, Bill and Jennifer. Bria was excited to meet baby Konlen but was scared of me since I was in the hospital bed and wanted nothing to do with me. Brian and mom went to watch while he had his first bath. While they were gone, I again got nauseous and almost got sick. The nurse brought me in some medicine and crackers to see if we could get my stomach to calm down.

Finally Konlen was bathed and brought back to our room, about an hour later the Pediatrician came in and spoke to us about his heart murmur and explained that they were going to keep an eye on it and may eventually end up doing an echo on his heart to make sure everything was fine. While in the hospital we didn't end up doing an echo thank goodness!

We stayed until Friday and finally got to bring him home around 2PM on March 3. It was nice to be back at home and start our new normal with 2 kids!!!