Sunday, May 21, 2017

Konlen - 1 month

Just like that Konlen is 1 month old!!

Nothing really excited happened during the first month. We did have about a week span where Bria didn't like Konlen. Bria also came down with the flu which she hasn't experienced before so wasn't quite sure what was going on and why she kept throwing up. But we got over the flu and she liked her bubby again.

At your 1 month appointment you weighed 11lbs and were 22.5 inches long. Big boy! You don't like to miss a meal. Unfortunately, we discovered that you have reflux. You were throwing up a lot, all the time and it was started to get frustrating. However, we switched to Dr. Brown's bottles, started sitting you up in a more upright position and burping you more often during feedings.

We did have to go back to the dr the Saturday after you came home because your circumcision wouldn't stop bleeding, so they had to tie it off again. I thought your dad was going to pass out when they did this!

Breast feeding again didn't go so well. You would eat well from the left side but seemed to hate the right side. I was pumping after feeding just to get some relief from my breast. I didn't find it so much this time as I did with Bria, because I knew even if I was just pumping you were still getting breast milk and it was easier on me as well!

At 6 weeks we also started noticing you wouldn't look to the left, so I started doing some research and found chiropractor care could help. Luckily, Brian's chiropractor is a high school friend and I called him up and discussed what was going on. He said he could help but we could also wait and see if it worked itself out. We ended up going in to him and he realized you had torticolis and that is why you weren't looking to the left and a good possibility why you wouldn't breast feed on the right side. I only wish we would have realized this earlier!

Time needs to slow down. 1 month went by way to fast!!

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