Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bria's First Christmas

Bria’s First Christmas!!!

Monday December 22 after mom got off work we packed up the car and made the trip to Bucklin. Once we got there your cousin Connor was patiently waiting on you and soon to arrive behind you was Mr. Colton.  Grammy and Papa’s house quickly filled with dog barks and children screaming. Mom and dad quickly escaped the chaos and jetted off to Dodge to enjoy adult time and try to win some money at the Casino. Unfortunately while we were gone you were quite the handful and flat out a bawl baby!!! You continued to be this way for a few days but I think most of it was new surroundings and slightly being out of your normal routine.

While in Bucklin you finally got to meet your Great Aunt Rita and she brought you a stuff animal that I’m sure you will soon be enjoying. You also caught up with your gal pal Emily for a brief few seconds before the madness of Christmas Eve began.

Prior to beginning the regular Christmas Eve festivities we celebrated Santa arriving early at Grammy and Papa’s for the kids. After Santa left, Colton got to pull the blankets off all the presents he dropped off. He was kind of to drop you off a bouncer, which you love!!! You also got some other toys from your cousins and more from Grammy and Papa, but I honestly can’t remember everything by this point. It was a lot though and you love it all!

We spend every Christmas Eve with Grammy’s side of the family and every year it gets crazier and crazier. This year we had so many people we had to have it at Legion Building in Bucklin. Kids, adults, food, present everywhere! I think it worked out better this time because all the small children could play be pushed in rolly chairs, hang out in a pack and play etc. Great grandma and Great Grandpa gave you some money and a little toy chair with a lot of activities, but you won’t be able to use it for a few more months. After your fun you fell asleep on Grammy while the adults had their fun, after that we took you home and put you to bed so mom, dad, aunts, uncles and Grammy and papa could see what Santa brought them.

(Connor got a picture during the adult Christmas because he was a party animal and stayed up to enjoy ours as well!)

The next day was finally Christmas! We woke up and started getting around so we could head out to your next Christmas at your Great Grandma Mammy’s. Once again you got spoiled with being held all day and lots more fun presents and clothes. You also finally got to meet the rest of your cousins and they just loved having you there and even loved holding you! Once we finished up there we once again loaded up the car and headed off to the last Christmas stop at Grandma and Grandpa’s in Salina. You got a lot more presents, which I can’t remember them all, and had lots of fun. You did get a doorway jumper that unfortunately can only be used in the basement since it snaps above a door frame but it works great when we hang out in the basement! Unfortunately though, what mom thought was too much fun on Christmas Eve actually turned into being the Flu. I’m glad you had a great first Christmas and didn't catch what mommy had.  Took a few days to shake it off but I guess on the upside I lost some weight!

Overall you had a great First Christmas and definitely got spoiled.

Can’t wait for many more first to come besides just the Holidays.

We love you baby girl!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Bria- 6 Months

Baby girl you are growing up! January 2 you turned 6 months old!!! 

I'm a few days late on this but we have been busy. You had your check up on the 5th and weighed in at 14lbs 15 oz and 25 1/2 inches long. They said your height shrunk from the last appointment but up until this appointment we have had the same nurse so I think they just measure you different. You are still wearing size 2 diapers and I finally was able to put away your newborn and 0-3 month clothes. Yes, you are 6 months old and can still fit in 0-3 month clothes. However, 3-6 months and 6 months are a little baggy but don't make you look like your preparing for a horrible flood.

The doctor liked your weight better even though you are still a tiny little thing. She was so excited that you had 2 teeth, sitting up on your own and trying so hard to crawl. 

We were able to start you on solid foods as well!!! We started with oatmeal, which the first day you weren't a huge fan of it, then as the days progressed we made it a little thicker and you ate both bowls full each night we gave it to you. Then we tried bananas and you absolutely hate them! Daddy was gone the first night we tried them so mom made a video of your expressions and I couldn't stop laughing. I wondered why you hated them so much so I gave them a try and I myself thought they were pretty sweet. We tried again Friday night and you still HATE them. I wish I was making this up but you wouldn't even open your mouth this time around and every time I got the spoon close your face you started crying. I finally gave up after probably 20 minutes of trying. 

Mom and dad went to the Garth Brooks concert in Tulsa this weekend and I told grammy not to even bother giving you bananas because it would be a lost cause and we stuck to oatmeal. However, tonight 1/11/15 we tried green beans. Well, this was another failure. Wouldn't open, started crying, it was a disaster. I did get a few bites in your mouth and then you would kind of gag but then swallow them and all was right the world. Daddy tried and had about the same luck. We will try again tomorrow.

We also got to start you on a sippy cup of water. You LOVE using your sippy cup, I don't know how much water you actually get out but you get the point and you like to hold/play with it, so whatever makes you happy kid. 

Still love bath time and now that you can sit up on your own after you are all washed up we take away your bath seat and let you sit in the tub, when we do that you just splash and splash. You are also starting to play with the rubber ducks Aunt Jodi and Uncle D got you. 

You aren’t really sleeping through the night anymore but we have noticed when you wake up its because you have wiggled across your crib and end up smashed at the end of it and can’t figure out how to get yourself unstuck yet, so we have to put you back in the middle of the crib and put you back to sleep. Definitely a change for mom and dad though having to get up in the night!

You are trying so hard to crawl, you get up on your hands and knees and start rocking back and forth but just can't seem to figure out how to actually go. I think before long you will have it!

I believe that is all for your 6 month check up, it has been a crazy past few months but I am looking forward to spending the upcoming weekend at home alone with just you, your dad and your puppy dog getting stuff done and doing whatever we want!!

 Next up, your first Christmas!