Sunday, May 21, 2017

Introducing Konlen William Sturges

Baby Sturges #2 is here!!!

Things were a little less eventful in the beginning this time around. Since Bria was delivered via c-section, Dr. Gros advised that we deliver the same way this time as well. He said if I tried to have it naturally, then I could risk ripping my previous scar and potentially bleeding out before they would be able to save me and the baby. Enough said, we will do another c-section. It was fine with me, at least we knew when the baby was coming and could plan ahead of time!

Again, we found out that Baby Sturges #2 was a boy!!! Brian was thrilled and since this was our last kid it was nice to have one of both. Bria was excited, we took her to the sonogram at 10 weeks to just confirm I was pregnant and that we only had 1 baby in there. We also took her a long when we found out the sex of the baby. I thought the more we involved her, the easier it would be once he got here.

She was excited to have a little brother, told us she would change his diaper, feed him, and teach him things. My original due date was March 7, but we decided to have surgery set for March 1. I am sorry, but I am not one of those people that loves being pregnant. The sooner we could get him out, the happier I would be. This pregnancy was a lot different as well. I had a lot more "morning" sickness, even though it lasted all day. Eating was about the only thing that would really make me feel better and some nights I think I beat Bria to bed! I believe I ended up gaining 30-40lbs, like I said, food was all that made me feel better. We luckily didn't have any complications again and was an easy pregnancy. I did miss sleeping on my side or stomach so I didn't get a lot of sleep.

March 1 quickly came and we had to be at the hospital that morning at 5AM, surgery was set for 7:30. Bria went and miller went and stayed at my parent house the night before so that we didn't have to worry about waking her up early in the morning and meeting up with my mom. Again, I didn't sleep much the night before so I was up and ready to go.

We got to the hospital, got checked in and they started the IV and everything I would need for surgery. The anesthesiologist came in to meet us and kind of go over the game plan once in the operating room and now we just wait. It surprisingly went quickly and before I knew it we were walking back to the operating room. They had me climb up on the table so they could start the spinal tap.  Since Brian hates needles he hid behind the nurse while she held me up and talked me through the injections. Wasn't bad, few stings and they were done and ready to lay me down. Laid me down and started the rest of the medicines and at this time Dr. Gros came in to make sure we were all set. Dr. Priddle was running behind but that was fine because as they were laying out all the utensils and checking them, they found a hair so they had to start all over! While we were waiting on that and Dr. Priddle I got really nauseous and they ended up sitting me up a little bit just in case I threw up, but never did!!!

Finally, Dr. Priddle arrived and both doctors were ready to wash up, utensils were all ready to go again and we could start surgery. They warn you that you will experience some tugging and jerking, I didn't really remember this with Bria but was aware of it this time!

At 7:51AM on March 1, 2017 Konlen William Sturges arrived!!

Dr. Gross initially thought he would be about 8.5lbs, but he was way wrong! Konlen weighed 9lbs 8oz and was 21 inches long. The anesthesiologist said "you just gave birth to a linebacker!

Dr. Gros showed me Konlen, then took him to the warmer so he could be cleaned up  and ready to brought over to me while they finished sewing me up. Brian went over and saw him, took some pictures and then brought him over so I could meet him. I loved meeting baby Konlen, but I was also not feeling the best as they sewed me back up. I again got very nauseous and felt short of breath. They warned me this would also happen while they were putting me back together and I again didn't remember this with Bria but it was very uncomfortable. The anesthesiologist kept an eye on me just to make sure I was ok. Konlen ended up getting taken out as they discovered he had a heart murmur and because of his weight they wanted to make sure everything was ok. We finished up and I got moved into recovery, again we couldn't start feeding him right away because they wanted to make sure everything was ok with his weight.

After about an hour monitoring me, they were ready to move me back to our room. Konlen was still being watched at this point but would meet us in our room soon enough. After we got back to our room Brian went and got mom, Bria, Bill and Jennifer. Bria was excited to meet baby Konlen but was scared of me since I was in the hospital bed and wanted nothing to do with me. Brian and mom went to watch while he had his first bath. While they were gone, I again got nauseous and almost got sick. The nurse brought me in some medicine and crackers to see if we could get my stomach to calm down.

Finally Konlen was bathed and brought back to our room, about an hour later the Pediatrician came in and spoke to us about his heart murmur and explained that they were going to keep an eye on it and may eventually end up doing an echo on his heart to make sure everything was fine. While in the hospital we didn't end up doing an echo thank goodness!

We stayed until Friday and finally got to bring him home around 2PM on March 3. It was nice to be back at home and start our new normal with 2 kids!!!

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