Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bria - 15 months

Well Hello. I realized its been 3 months since I posted anything and If I'm going to get better at this blogging thing after Bria's 1 year I haven't done a very good job!

It's been fairly quiet around here. Few exciting pieces of news before I dive into our boring lives. We welcomed a new niece to the family. Ms. Marlee Kirk was born July 16, 2015 in Manhattan. She had a few issues and got to spend some time in the hospital at Topeka but thankfully not near as long as her older brother. She is loved by many and Bria loves to try and "help" Aunt Amy during daycare.

Within the last few months we also found out that Aunt Jodi is also expecting another little girl in January. The boys will be out numbered and taken down very shortly!

Now about us. The end of July/ beginning of August we took a little vacation to Kansas City. It was partially for Brian and I to celebrate our 5 year Anniversary, do some shopping and have a small vacation with Bria. We left Wakefield/Manhattan on Friday and once we got to Kansas City we took Bria to the Deanna Rose Farm. I think Brian enjoyed being able to feed/play with the animals more than Bria did but she really seemed to enjoy throwing food to the fish. After a few hours there we went and checked into our hotel and got cleaned up so Brian and I could go out to dinner while Bria stayed with her Aunt Megan. Thank goodness she behaved! :) The next day we went swimming and dinked around the hotel, then finally got ready and met Brian's parents for lunch at the Legends, after lunch we went shopping! Shopping sure has changed now, I found myself wanting to buy more stuff for Bria than myself but don't worry Brian and I still got stuff. After a long exhausting day at Legend's we headed to Topeka where we stopped and got a big girl car seat for Bria. We went over to Jodi and Dustin's to hang out for awhile so Brian could install the new car seat before heading back home.

That was about our only big adventure. Bria spent most of the summer at a different daycare while Aunt Amy adjusted to life with 2 kids, she went back to her in September. Also, with mom and dad having a house in Manhattan we found ourselves there quite a bit on the weekends so we get lots of quality time with our cousins.

 She is starting to say a little bit more and of course is walking all over the place. I believe we are up to 13 teeth and have 3 more working their way through before her last few are in. She is definitely a dancer. Loves to dance to music, and sometimes imaginary music but it keeps Brian and I entertained just watching her. She is also obsessed with her belly button, in fact anyones belly button that will show her and let her play with it. I don't recommend starting that though, and I honestly don't want to see anyone else's belly button so please don't offer! :)

School has started and is going pretty well for Brian and I am still plugging along at AIB. We are also pretty busy with K-State football games every other weekend.

I am starting to take up photography kind of has a hobby for now and been spending quite a bit of time on that. It is a lot easier to practice with a 1 year old running around and the many faces of Bria. So, if your in the market for some photos at a cheap price let me know and I'd be happy to help out. Just remember I'm starting out so you pay for what you get! :)

For now enjoy some photos that I've snapped of little Bria.

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