Monday, September 8, 2014

Bria- 2 months

September 2, 2014- 2 months old!!!

We had your 2 month check up today. You weigh 11 lbs (47% for your age) 23.5 in long (83%),  at this point you definitely got your height from either side of our families. It just skipped your dad and I and went straight to you! Everything checked out, you stood on the table for the doctor which she said they don't check to see if you are putting weight on your legs until 6 months so you are ahead in that category. We also did tummy time for the doctor, which you love! During tummy time you showed her how you hold your head up and even pushed yourself up, which impressed her because she said they don't usually see that until 4 months! I keep telling everyone you are going to be moving on us soon because you are definitely a wiggle warm. You unfortunately had to have shots today which didn't go well, mommy did ok for a little while then I will admit I teared up! 

Of course doctor told us how important it was that everyone close to you in the upcoming months need to have their flu shots. Which we completely understand, especially with everything that is going on around lately. I wasn't too happy when we were sitting in the waiting room and 2 little boys came over to stare at you, then when they walked away started coughing without covering their mouths. They were also licking the check in desk and everything else. I was very disgusted that the mother was letting this happen. I made sure to pull the cover over on your car seat and put you between my legs so they couldn't come look anymore. I would of hated to push them away because I don't want you getting sick!

Even though you are long you are still little. You are still wearing newborn clothes and every now and then 0-3 month outfits but they are a little big on you. Still wearing size 1 diapers and I don't see this changing anytime soon, they are still plenty big on you! 

Love bath time and being outside. Aunt Amy said she took you and Colton outside one day to play and when she brought you back inside you threw a huge fit! Colton loves you so much, he calls you sissy and if you are crying he wants to make you feel better. I have a feeling you 2 are going to get into a lot of trouble once you are older. 

I think that is all for now. You don't go back to the doctor until 4 months so hopefully mommy can remember to do a 3 month posting!

Mommy, Daddy and Miller love you little girl!!!

Here are a few other postings from your 2 month photo shoot, minus the ones on my phone. 

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