Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Weekend

This past weekend Brian, Miller and I loaded up and made the long drive to Bucklin. Friday night was rather boring. It consisted of Brian watching tv, and I ran 2 miles on the treadmill, watch out for us party animals!!!!

Saturday Dustin and Jodi arrived and we headed off to the big city of Dodge, boy did it smell delicious there!!! We enjoyed some El Charro and headed off to Orschelns and Wal-mart. I'm sorry for anyone who buys the baby chick from Orschelns that I dropped on its head when trying to hold it, it was not up for being held at that moment! We finally headed back home and decided to head to grandma and grandpas to shoot the 9m we borrowed from Jordan. Dustin made it look easy, but I wasn't prepared. The kick-back scared me and the noise hurt my ears, I advised Jodi she didn't want to have a turn as it was not fun. Dustin told us grandpa had ear-muffs in the garage and Jodi and I should wear those, so I took off to get them. That helped 10 times better, kick-back still wasn't much fun but I braced myself. Jodi was a little scary but she did great.

We also had a competition on a pizza box/target and I got the best score! Brian says it was luck, I also hit a pop can that I technically didn't mean to but I was aiming at it. Dustin won the next competition so we had a shoot off and I lost. That was the end of the bullets so we decided to head back to town and drink some beers.

We ended the night by Jodi and I attending Jessica Cuer's wedding dance. It was alright but reminded me while I will never move back to Bucklin and the people living there now aren't my kind, with the exception of Emily, it's always nice to catch up with her and her family!

Sunday was like any other holiday at the funny farm.. Lots of people everywhere, it sure has changed though. We are all grown up :(
But I did make a new friend, my step-cousins fiance Elisha has a little girl named Aaliyah (I know I'm not spelling it right) anyways we quickly became friends. It started with an arguement that I am not 6 years old, like she is but she liked me. We then started doing one of grandmas word searches together, don't tell grandma but we started making up our own words and circling them. She then preceded to ask me my name so I said Tamren and in return got a funny look, like this is anything new! I told her I know it's a weird name, I was not ready for the response I then got from her, she looked at me and said it's not a weird name it is a very pretty name and I like it! I was impressed and we went off to look for easter eggs together! It broke my heart when she asked if she could come home with me when dad went to bring us back to town to head to Manhattan. I wish I could have brought her back with me!!!

That was my excitement for the weekend, Jodi still doesn't understand why I wouldn't let her stop and pee in the street from the legion building to our house with county cops in town. She still doesn't understand that if you run or walk fast you will get there faster! :)

Hope you enjoy the pictures below of us shooting guns!

Brian's turn

Just like Heracio Caine!


Poor tree!

Pretty good aim if I say so myself!

1 comment:

  1. Love it TK! Glad I'm still your kind =) It was great seeing you!
