Saturday, January 13, 2018

Konlen - 10 Months

I don't know if mommy is ready for you to be 1 but it is coming quicker than I am ready for!!! January 1, 2018 you were 10 months old. You are weighing in around 23lbs and again still love your food. You have started getting more and more table food and are having no issues figuring out how to pick it up and eat. There are also times that we will be feeding you and you scream at us because we just aren't getting it to you fast enough. We have also started saying mama and what sounds like baba which is usually around when you want a bottle. Could just be a coincidence but lets go with it!

Bria and I had a lot of fun decorating a gingerbread house during December. We also went to the festival of lights one evening, had hot chocolate and wrote letters to Santa. Can't also forget about your first time meeting Santa. You and your sister both did really really well. You did start crying but luckily we didn't catch it on camera!

December was a big month as we celebrated your first Christmas! You and your sister got way more than enough presents. Some of the bigger things you got would be a little "Cars" car to ride around on, an activity table to stand up and play at and a walker to push around the house. Of course you also got clothes and books, but that just isn't as exciting! Bria got a tablet, playhouse for outside, and an easy bake oven. Along with her clothes, books and smaller toys. You both definitely made out pretty well though. Again, you were a needy baby on Christmas day for some reason and wouldn't let anyone but mom or dad hold you.

We headed to Bucklin on December 22. While there we visited Candy Cane Lane and helped cousin Morgan celebrate her college graduation. In Bucklin we had 2 Christmases, one with just mom, dad and your aunts/uncles/cousins and grammy and papa. Then Christmas Eve at the Legion Building with the extended family. On Christmas day we packed up the car and drove to Sterling for another Christmas. After a few hours there we headed to Salina for our finally Christmas with Aunt Megan, Uncle Lamonte, Grandma Jennifer and Grandpa Bill. Somehow we made it back to Manhattan with everything but we were pancaked in the car for sure!

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