Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bria - 9 Months

I am a little more ahead this time; April 2, 2015 you were 9 months old. People say time flies and man does it. I have to look back through pictures to remember how little you once were and how far you have come!

We finally had a 9 month appointment. You were 17lbs 6 oz and 27 1/2 in. long. I was a little off on my guesses for height the last few months but that is ok. The doctor was happy with all of your numbers and luckily you didn't have to have any shots done. Your 12 month check up is going to be hard though so mommy and daddy are both going to go and hopefully one of us can make it through!

Not a lot has been going on. You are crawling all over the place and love to stand and pull yourself up on things. Last night we found you attempting to stand on the chair Great-Grandma Fisher gave you for Christmas. You actually achieved your goal and made it to where you could stand on the chair and grab the DVDs behind it. You even made it back down to the floor and sitting without any help!

Foods are still a struggle. You love fruit but vegetables are another story. You will eat meat but only solid meat the adults are eating, none of the baby food meats.

You also got to meet the Easter Bunny the Friday before Easter. You didn't cry but you wouldn't smile either, maybe next year! We spent Easter in Bucklin as Great-Grandma Fisher's 80th birthday party was the same weekend. The Easter Bunny even found you there and brought you some clothes, candy, money, treats and bath toys. You were quite spoiled. Next year we will actually be able to color and hunt for easter eggs.

Other than that things have just been moving along day by day. Next month we will be getting you baptized and we are starting to talk about your 1st Birthday Party!

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