Saturday, January 13, 2018

Konlen - 10 Months

I don't know if mommy is ready for you to be 1 but it is coming quicker than I am ready for!!! January 1, 2018 you were 10 months old. You are weighing in around 23lbs and again still love your food. You have started getting more and more table food and are having no issues figuring out how to pick it up and eat. There are also times that we will be feeding you and you scream at us because we just aren't getting it to you fast enough. We have also started saying mama and what sounds like baba which is usually around when you want a bottle. Could just be a coincidence but lets go with it!

Bria and I had a lot of fun decorating a gingerbread house during December. We also went to the festival of lights one evening, had hot chocolate and wrote letters to Santa. Can't also forget about your first time meeting Santa. You and your sister both did really really well. You did start crying but luckily we didn't catch it on camera!

December was a big month as we celebrated your first Christmas! You and your sister got way more than enough presents. Some of the bigger things you got would be a little "Cars" car to ride around on, an activity table to stand up and play at and a walker to push around the house. Of course you also got clothes and books, but that just isn't as exciting! Bria got a tablet, playhouse for outside, and an easy bake oven. Along with her clothes, books and smaller toys. You both definitely made out pretty well though. Again, you were a needy baby on Christmas day for some reason and wouldn't let anyone but mom or dad hold you.

We headed to Bucklin on December 22. While there we visited Candy Cane Lane and helped cousin Morgan celebrate her college graduation. In Bucklin we had 2 Christmases, one with just mom, dad and your aunts/uncles/cousins and grammy and papa. Then Christmas Eve at the Legion Building with the extended family. On Christmas day we packed up the car and drove to Sterling for another Christmas. After a few hours there we headed to Salina for our finally Christmas with Aunt Megan, Uncle Lamonte, Grandma Jennifer and Grandpa Bill. Somehow we made it back to Manhattan with everything but we were pancaked in the car for sure!

Bria goes to the Dentist

November 10, 2017 was a big day for our big girl. She went to the dentist for the first time! Mommy was nervous because they don't allow the parents back with the kids if they are 3 or older but Bria did awesome. She did everything they asked her to do and she is part of the no cavity club!! 

Our little girl sure is growing up!

Konlen - 9 Months

This has been the fastest year. Again, not a lot has changed. We keep thinking your top teeth are coming in but they haven't broken skin yet. Your personality is definitely starting to come through more and more each day. You have learned to shake your head no, even though you don't always necessarily do it at the right time, it is still pretty cute. You also kind of wave bye-bye but it looks a little more like a hitler wave (something you will learn about in school). And as much as I hate to admit this but you are really becoming a daddy's boy. You've been saying dada for about a month or two now which is pretty cute but I was really hoping it would be mama.

We also celebrated your First Thanksgiving. We were at Randy and Georgia's in Sterling. You were kind of a turd and didn't want anyone but mommy and daddy but I also believe you are starting to get stranger danger. We had beautiful weather for Thanksgiving as you can see from the pictures and sister got to drive a little red car around outside while you got to enjoy some time swinging.

Next up will be the craziness of Christmas!

Konlen - 8 Months

November 1 and just like that you are 8 months old! Again nothing exciting. You still have 2 teeth and are crawling everywhere. I don't think we have found a food yet that you don't like, you are definitely an eater! You also made it through your first football season and now we are moving into the Holiday season. We will spend Thanksgiving in Sterling with Mammy and this will be the first time you meet some of your cousins on your daddy's side of the family. You weren't really feeling the 8 month photos but I didn't do a very good job of taking a lot of photos this month. I am sorry buddy!

Konlen - 7 months

October 2 you turned 7 months old. It's hard for me to believe that in 5 months we will be celebrating your 1st birthday!! :( Your 7 months haven't been too exciting. You have definitely perfected the crawling, love to follow your sister everywhere and think she is just the funniest thing ever. Unfortunately you had your first real sickness and came down with roseola. This might have been due to your tooth. October 7 you were acting funny and had a high temperature (got up to 102.8), we gave you tylenol which seemed to somewhat helped and you slept a lot. Mom ended up taking you to the doctor October 11 because you woke up that morning with a rash. Unfortunately that same day Colton went to the doctor because he had funny spots and him and Marlee ended up with Hand/Foot/Mouth Disease. So, mommy stayed home with you and sis October 11-13. Luckily Grammy Nessa helped us out because daycare was still closed October 16-17, so you stayed with her so mommy and daddy could work.

Also, October 16 your first tooth popped through!!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Konlen - 6 months

September 2 you turned 6 months old. I can't believe my little baby is 6 months old. Since I am behind on my post I have a lot to catch up on.

On September 2, you attended your first Kansas State football game. It's a little different since you are older than Bria was at her first game but you have been a trooper for every game since.

Mommy and Daddy had their first weekend away. We went to the KSU/Vanderbilt game September 14-18, so you and sister spent the weekend at Grammy Nessa and Papa Stu's. I believe you had fun except you ended up getting a horrible cold which kept grammy up most of the night steaming the bathroom to try and help your croupy off. She ended up taking you to the doctor Monday while we were driving back home to make sure it wasn't something else. You had a viral upper respiratory infection and a cold, which meant running its course. Thank goodness mommy took Tuesday off because she was up most of Monday night doing the same thing in the bathroom with you.

 September 26 while at daycare, you decided it was time to start crawling. You were helping Ms. Amy get everyones beds ready for nap time and she looked over and off you went! She felt bad for telling me but I told her I am glad she did so I can put the baby gate up on the stairs so you didn't go down the stairs like mommy did. 

We are still waiting on your teeth to come up but mommy has a feeling they will be here soon! Also, I have a lot more photos this time, especially since we took your 6 month photos!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Konlen - 5 months

I think I say this every month but time has gone by so quickly!!!

August 2 "little" Konlen was 5 months. Not a lot has changed but he is now rolling everywhere he wants to go. He did discover his tongue and feet! With discovering his tongue that means he is now eating rice cereal once a day and loves his food still! I would guess he is probably around 16-17lbs.

The latest development is that Konlen gets up on his hand and knees. For awhile he struggled with getting his belly off the ground but now has his belly off the ground. I feel he may be crawling before he is sitting up by himself!

That is about all for now!

**I apologize for the lack of photos bub, I have plenty on my phone**